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Two letters..Four Lives.

Part I.

The first day of spring,
The relief it brings,
Of joy and of forgiveness,
For the winter and heeds..
Lessons, for hiding in the snow,
All the dark deeds.

At the top of the pile of lost letters,
Two opened and read,
The postmaster general..
Holds his head..
He is the caretaker of messages from far,
He cries in shame,
He takes the blame…
Its upon him now…
Too late though..
To disclose and uncover..
Read on and discover

Dear John,

This is Joe,your brother,
I am writing you from my cell,
There is so much I have to tell,
Tomorrow at dawn,
As I have failed you in my pledge..
I shall escape life sentence,
Plunging from the edge.

I took the sole onus,
Of looking after you wife,
With you headed out for the sanatorium,
I guarded her with my life.

For many weeks I was on guard,
I never let her think,
That she was alone in an unknown city,
With life I was her link.

Everyday in every way went ordinarily,
Till one day she left in stealth,
In the mid of the night,
In the mid of the dark,
In the mid of the park.

That’s when I saw them..
Your wife and him embraced,
I was shocked..
I thought of you..
O brother I was enraged!

Maybe I had startled them,
And she hurried home,
In stealth,with her infidelity,
I followed,aware of reality.
I prepared myself,I took my time,
I stepped into her room,
My approach to her impending doom,
She smiled!That wench..didnt try to run,
I emtied forth the chamber of my gun.

I know countless insensitive tales,
Since that unholy day,
Of infidelity and passion are ripe,
And so they hang me tomorrow,
For killing my brother’s wife.

Part II.

Dear Joe,

This is John,
I marvel at the way,
You have taken care of my love,
I was scared of her being alone,
But she told me in my ear,
You have taken care of all her fears.

The treatment goes on painfully,
And I write as I have no other way,
To let you know how much you mean,
There is so much to say.

She told lady
That we will soon have a baby,
Broke my heart to tell her the truth..
That I shall live for only a month,
That my wife will be widowed in her youth!

She said she had lived a full life,
She said it with a tear,
And if death came to her today,
She will smile and accept without fear!

We both agreed Our savious..our champion,
My only family…my brother..
Would take care of the child in the womb
Along with the widowed mother.

Last, but not least,I am shamed,
To tell you I came for a day,
A month ago to see,
My wife lonely,My brother only,
Yet as I was in a hurry,
I met her in the mid of the night,
I met her in the mid of the dark,
I met her in the mid of the park.

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