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Of Peter Pan, Rainbows and Spring bread...

Ever chanced to see a rainbow in Spring?
They say a rainbow is vilification
of laughter and love,
of your birth and mine,
its justification

Beneath its semi-circled hue lies red to blue
the Earth itself is painted vignette
from Lord's leaky palette

With the farthest colour He paints sky and saline,
and Sunset he paints with red wine...
With yellow Sun He bakes ripe
into what the harmonious Green breathed life

On afternoons lazy, the children crazy with glee
playing hide-seek 'neath the clouds meek that flee
running as hard across the sky as the young
as far as the wind has them flung

Moon arrives soon complimenting the North star
which from afar seems a twinkling eye
that peeks from the violet sky
watching the World walk home from above
clutching in their hands fingers of true love
to a home baked warm like bread
to tuck their little dividends to bed
I believe not in fairy tales but we are all Peter Pan
and 'tis seasonal Spring that wakes me,
makes me a younger man....

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