When the night grows exceeding calm,
amidst the chill and dreams unchecked,
I sit by you whispering,merging palms,
burying my face into the nape of your neck
Each kiss a solitaire,
so gentle on your breathless skin I place
watching with hunger your body glare,
cut smooth by my lip's embrace
A closeness that begs compare,
ray of sunlight on a chair...
dewdrop on a leaf bare...
Demystify for me this thirst..
it awakens in me a parched,sun baked land..
without drops of love to quench its lust..
feeding on lifeless brittle sand..
I crave your acceptance to prove I live,
counting fears when you depart..
for without you beside,this life I give,
futile to part with breath or beat of Heart
Come,for I have left serendipity behind,
I seek by design not chance or fate line..
rescue me from being alone undefined..
to prove that Love is unruly yet truly divine
Where there is real Love...
who can question the creation of Life...
as we bow to our maker from cradle to tomb,
we bow to the feminine,we pray to the womb
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