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In Search Of Chia...

As the year approached its night,
ending Winter-the dead and silent calm,
I waited for spring,as a morning light,
to guide travel on my frozen palm.

Yet before the season left wearied,
a cupid plucked his string,
I must admit it did sting,
but the torment here is pleasure,
for a gourmet lover,to enjoy at leisure

While the World spun,creating day-night,
while the clock turned,making time,
while birds flew hither and tither,
while He judged from above,
they gave me time to fall in love.

Cheeks,the colour of a Rose blushed,
Smile she did,sweet summer wine,
Lips,when pouted,
could not be doubted,
waited to be met by mine.

Inseparable,but for just so long,
were you waiting for my swan song?

Soon the dreamer,awoke to crude reality,
to say Love was lost,would deny it immortality.
For love was strong but my lover truant,
I stood alone admiring the ruins,
pieces of broken heart...
alone I walked,having played my part

Yet, even now,I stand
Today,is a new day,is it not?


  1. Today is a new day :) It always it, that is the best part.
    The yearning pours out, and stains the words in ways I cannot write. Lovely lovely poem, Rohan :)

    1. You know the story of Chia, Usha m'am.. I remember telling you..well this is all I have left of her.
